These is a few tricks to make this scene.
In the first pass I try to make a flame with one or two simple plains, but it doesn't work great. To make it more realistic I decided to model it and work the material with opacity maps and texture.
Then I was fighting with sss and for obtain the final result I put and emitter layer in the candle material.
Hope you like it.
In the first pass I try to make a flame with one or two simple plains, but it doesn't work great. To make it more realistic I decided to model it and work the material with opacity maps and texture.
Then I was fighting with sss and for obtain the final result I put and emitter layer in the candle material.
Hope you like it.
4 comentarios:
Muy bueno el tuto, lo unico que creo que t has pasado un pelin con el azul de la llama, pero el resultado es espectaular!!!
Gracias 3dvini por el comentario, el azul yo lo veo correto, creo que es más una questión de gustos que otra cosa ya que en las referencias que encontre vi llamas de todos los colores. Me alegro que te haya gustado
Hi! My name is Jamie, and I'm new to 3D max. I love your candles, and will be trying to make my own. Having some problems with getting the height segments to show up so I can change the shape of the box. The lines on the segments are the same color as the box, so you can not see it. Please respond if you can help me. Only understand English. Thank you!!
Hi Jamie, my english is very poor sorry. I don't understand your answer, send my an e-mail with a screen shot to see where you are stopped.
But to get more segments in a Box, you can try to transform the box to editablepoly, then go to subobject edges, make your selection and play with connect option.
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